What happens when people open their hearts? They get better. - Haruki Murakami

Holistic Wellness Modalities

  • Breathwork

    Virtual or In Person

    1:1 or Private Group

    Conscious Connected Breath or as I call it, Sacred Breath Medicine, is a healing practice that allows us to turn off our monkey mind and engage deep intuitive insights, release stuck emotions and unlock powerful healing. This modality powerfully changed my life and I’d love to share it with you. This can be booked for individuals, couples or groups.

  • Reiki

    Virtual or In Person

    1:1 or Private Group

    Reiki is a holistic form of energy healing that has its roots in Japan. In a sense, it is the laying of hands either virtually or in person. It has no religious leaning and you can use it to more deeply connect to your self, your faith and the healing you need. It is a restorative practice.

  • Mindfulness

    Virtual or In Person

    1:1 or Private Group

    My mindfulness therapy includes from a variety of modalities ranging from somatic experiences to guided meditative journeys. Each one of these experiences is custom tailed to the client and is facilitated virtually. It will allow you to restore your parasympathetic nervous system, gain new intuitive insights and feel more grounded and centered. You’ll emerge with new energy and clarity.